Tuesday, September 25, 2012


The Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him [pbuh]) is the most respected and venerated personality for us, the Muslims. Our belief is that after Allah Almighty, there is no one in the entire Universe who enjoys more respect than him. He (pubh) is the Chief of all the Prophets, and the Last of the Prophets.  We are always prepared with a pure heart to sacrifice our lives, properties and honour for his honour and respect. Alhamdulillah hi Rabbil-‘Alamin (All praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds).
I (Nasir Ahmad Sultani), in my authority as the true representative and Khalifa (Vicegerent) of God, strongly deplore and express deep grief over all such acts that are attempted to malign the honour and respect of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). We (Muslims) protest and also feel it is important for the world to know that the allegations made in this film are a false propaganda and an unsuccessful attempt in maligning Islam and these will never succeed. Inshaa-Allah (If Allah wishes).
I advise all Governments of the World, including the United States of America (in its position as the Global Superpower), to put a stop to and ban all such films, books and media that mock, ridicule and disrespect the Holy personages of any religion (including, Islam). On a similar note, they should ensure the protection of all religious sacred places and venues. Surely there are many provisions in International Law, however, due to the non-implementation of these, such incidents are taking place that result in the shattering of worldwide peace and leading on to damage and loss of life and property.
Moreover, I consider it important to preach to those individuals and Nations who have not understood the true teachings of religion and Islam: They should refrain from such methods of protest that result in anyone’s loss of life, property, etc. Islam does not at all permit violent acts. Solutions to grievances should be redressed through peaceful dialogue. There should not be a climate of deprecation of peace in any land or region.
It is surely wrong to resort to arson, plunder and murder. Islam is a Religion of Peace. Please refrain from bringing Islam to disrepute.
O Muslims! You are the followers of that Holy Prophet, Muhammad (pubh), who was the Prince of Peace, who was Rahmat-ullil-Aalamin (Mercy for all the universe); whose nobility was in visiting the lady who used to throw trash on him, when she fell sick; whose excellence was in toiling in carrying the heavy load of the lady who was using an abusive tongue against him; and, who in spite of acquiring complete power and might, forgave his blood-thirsty enemies, to the extent that he forgave Hinda who had devoured the liver of his Uncle Hamza.
اللھم  صل علی محمد و آلہ و ا صحابہ اجمعین
O Allah exalt Muhammad and his followers and all of his Companions
To sacrifice your life, property and honour does not at all mean that in order to preserve the name and honour of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pubh) you forgo the teachings of that blessed Prophet (pbuh) and bring Islam to shame and shun Peace.
May Allah be with you and protect you from all sorts of anguish and difficulties. Amen, O Lord of the Worlds.

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